When delivering to a corporate client, presentation, communication and efficiency is key.
Event sites and venues can be busy and tricky to navigate so your job is to make contact with the client and deliver the hire items to our high standard. These clients hire with us frequently and need a consistently high standard every single time.


When delivering furniture to a wedding client communication, coordination, attitude and efficiency is key.
When dealing with wedding clients you are an even bigger deal! You are often times communicating with family of the bride and groom - if not themselves - when on site. The Lucys crew can be the first on site to setup so your attitude and energy can really make a difference in kicking things off.

Go the extra mile here to make everyone involved feel comfortable and reassured the Lucys team are on the job.

1. Safe and suitable parking of vehicles

2. Make contact with client and confirm key details

3. Start unloading truck and production

4. Finishing touches and cleaning

5. Ensure truck is secure for travel

6. Make contact with client for sign off, collection details, and know you are leaving site.

7. Photos uploaded to Whatsapp and any key information.

8. Contact Manager before leaving site if any issues.

Important points to remember:

- Be sensible with how and where you park the company vehicles, remember to consider other contractors and follow direction of site management if available.

- You are on display! maintain a clean, well presented, tidy and safe working space while in and around the site.

- Ensure key details have been communicated to the client - this can be simply confirming exact location of delivery, terms of use and collection times or any issues that may arise.
(Always contact your manager before leaving site if you are unsure)

- Before leaving site it is imperative that you take photos of all the items delivered as they are left. These photos MUST be posted to your team Whatsapp group and are a crucial aspect of maintaining high standards

Thank you for your hard work!